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Do you enjoy flash fiction? Here is a unique collection of three exciting fable stories that are made to be a fun experience for action-adventure and humor. Each story is more exciting than the last, as it tells an inspiring narrative that is affordable for the value price and can be download on the go from comes a time when a person must stand for his or her beliefs to make their dreams come true, but sadly Maxwell is not the kind of person who doesn’t believe in faith or destiny. He believes dreams are nothing but dreams and a person should only try to do the minimum and not the maximum, as dreams are nothing but dreams. But one day, Maxwell is visited by a Guardian Angel who tells him that the Grimm Reaper of Death is coming to claim his life. Maxwell must decide and choose his faith rather live or die. Along with that, there are two other stories such as The Toys In The Bedroom and Rachel & Fred The Great Escape. Overall, these stories are design to be fun and enjoyable for kids of all ages.

Pages of Maxwell Destination of Life & Death and Other Fable Stories :

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