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Rafe Easton faces one of the worst crisis he's ever known when he confronts his stepfather, Townsend Derrington, for setting Hanalei Plantation aflame. Rafe's beloved Eden Derrington was left inside. when Rafe takes revengs into his own hands he loses his eyesight. Rafe and Eden's future is unexpectedly shattered.Pride causes Rafe to abandon his upcoming marriage to Eden and seek medical care in San Francisco. Heartbroken, Eden leaves for Molokai with her father, Dr. Jerome, to start a clinic for lepers.Seizing her opportunity, beautiful Bernice "Bunny" Judson, makes a play for the one man she's always wanted, Rafe.The clouds of political disaster have arrived overhead. Eden must decide which side of the upcoming Revolution she is going to support. Plus she must discover the painful lesson God wants her to learn and determine if she will find healing for her bruised heart with or without a life that includes Rafe.