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After years of traveling through a galaxy fraught with danger, twenty-eight of sixty surviving space ships from Earth finally discover an inhabitable planet. Unfortunately, the world already contains an indigenous species, very human in appearance, but not welcoming.

With her fleet depleted of resources and desperate to land, Commander Elise Fujeint series ii, must take command and find a way to save her people. One way may be through the Alysian liaison, Richard Steele, who appears entirely too human. A strong attraction forms between Elise and Richard, but each must deal with opposing forces from both sides that threaten a war.

The ships are required to go through a quarantine on a rundown space station before landing. but as time stretches out, no landing occurs and the situation heats up.

This is the saga of that experience, the politics, the survivors who struggle to adapt to living on a world between ship and planet, and the rodent-like gebbits that scamper through the station creating chaos and salvation in their wake.

Will the ships land, or will they decide to abandon a hostile world for another more accepting? Can two different cultures learn to live together in harmony or will they tear each other apart?

A question for today.