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Fourth episode in the Tales of the Quantum Corps. Colonel John Winger leads his troopers against a nanobotic swarm called Configuration Zero. Evidence suggests that earth life was seeded by Config Zero’s ancestor, an ancient species of bots traveling through interstellar space. Only the seeding didn’t work as planned. Man is an evolutionary mistake and the Old Ones are coming back to fix it.Nanobotic technology has advanced rapidly as the 22nd century draws near. Bots and swarms are vital to the global economy. But the same advances have created a new menace. Evidence suggests that Man didn’t just evolve. Life was seeded by the Old Ones, an ancient nomadic species of bots, traveling through interstellar space around the galaxy. And the seeding didn’t work like they planned. Man is evolutionary mistake and the Old Ones are coming back to fix it. Colonel Johnny Winger leads his beleaguered nanotroopers into combat, on battlefields across the globe, around the solar system, and inside the world of atoms and molecules. Fourth episode in the Tales of the Quantum Corps.

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