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Why would a mathematics professor from Cambridge University, renting a
holiday home outside Cape Town, require a false identity and three
bodyguards? And where is he, now that they are dead? The only clue to
the bodyguards' murder is the snake engraved on the shell casings of the
bullets that killed them. Investigating the massacre, Benny
Griessel and his team find themselves being drawn into an international
conspiracy with shocking implications. It seems it is not just the
terrorists and criminals of Britain and South Africa who may fear the
Professor's work, but the politicians too. As the body count begins
to spiral viciously, Benny must put his new-found love life aside and
focus on finding the one person who could give him a break in the case: a
teenage pickpocket on the run in the city. But Benny is not the only
person hunting for Tyrone Kleinbooi . . .