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I think it's really cool to be on a jury. Take the O.J. jury--the people on that jury got book deals, and they got on Nightline, and some of them even got to meet Greta Van Susteren! They were always being written about in the newspapers: "Juror No. 1, a thirty-six-year-old Caucasian male with a master's degree who works for a high-tech corporation." Throw in a line about how "he likes to hunt and fish," and you've got The Dating Game.I wonder what they'd write about me. "Juror No. 4, a fat, bald, old, whiny Caucasian man who dresses like a vagrant and has complained incessantly about the texture of the toilet paper in the jury lavatory."I try to diet, but unfortunately I've come to the point in life where nearly everything disgusts or disappoints me except food. And so I eat all day long. If I had a family crest, at this point it would be a man with a chicken breast in one hand, a cheeseburger in the other, and a garland of...