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Unconventional New Orleans lawyer Tubby Dubonnet finds himself caught in a twisted trip down memory lane in the latest installment of the popular crime series that began with Crooked Man. When in the 1970s a young war protestor is killed in broad daylight on Canal Street, it appears that his murder will be forgotten, a back page story lost in the big news of an especially violent era. But a youthful Tubby chanced to see it happen, and the tragic event haunted him throughout his life. Decades later, an established lawyer, successful enough to have time on his hands, Tubby decides to conduct his own investigation into the forgotten crime. He quickly stirs up a hornets’ nest of Cuban political feuds, police corruption, government agents, and old men with secrets to hide. At the same time, Tubby takes on two new clients, a Bywater bar run by a lady-friend who has run afoul of the city’s ban on loud music, and an avant-garde artist in trouble for baring too much skin during “visual presentations” in Jackson Square. Solving these problems is a challenging legal dilemma. But revealing the murderer could prove to be Tubby’s last case, ever.