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She is honey to his throat...but one sweet taste could part them forever...Bad Witch: The Emily Chronicles, Book 2Banished from home while her husband adjusts to life as an immortal, blood-drinking chronicler, Emily Black is homesick, heartsick and struggling under the constant sensory barrage of a city drenched in ancient magic. When an old friend asks for her aid in solving a string of murders, she welcomes the distraction, despite the danger.Justine Dubois is grateful for a seer's help, and more understanding than anyone of Emily's plight. As a guardian, Justine commands respect; as a woman, her magic is considered inferior. Together, they are determined to prove their worth to London's magicians, starting with solving these murders—with maybe a bit of matchmaking on the side.Long before he met his soul mate, Michael Black made a commitment to join the Order of St. Jerome. He will live forever, forced to watch the woman he loves age and die....