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With his brothers Donald and Frederick, Steven has made the Barthelme name synonymous with some of the best short-fiction writing of our time. With Frederick, Steven co-authored the brilliant and devastating casino memoir, Double Down: Reflections on Gambling and Loss.Now, in his long-awaited second collection of stories, Stephen seems to cast an eye at his own history and the characters he's known, making Hush, Hush an unmissable, arresting account---simultaneously twisted, heartbreaking and hilarious---of learning to quit while you're ahead. He exposes the surprising dignity in lying on your belly in the pouring rain, in ringing your ex-girlfriend's doorbell at 4am, in sleeping with your dead wife's best friend. If you're $16,000 up at the casino and missing dinner with the woman you love, how do you find the strength to drive away? If you give up your career and your beautiful wife and find yourself drinking vodka and repairing cars for a...