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Eile and Sunny are two adventurous young girls who share a house in Denver. However, unbeknownst to them they have a secret roommate, and she finally decides to reveal herself. This is a short story.Eile and Sunny are two adventurous twenty-something girls who met when Eile rescued Sunny from being kidnapped by enemies of her parents. They fell in love, and after the crisis had been resolved they decided to live together.Sunny was still in danger, so their mentor, Medb hErenn, acquired a house for them in a secure gated community. She gave them the run of the place, but there was one room, in the basement, that was off limits.That didn't sit well with Sunny, who burned with curiosity to discover what the mysterious room contained. When she and Eile finally gained access by accident, they discovered that they shared the house with a secret and rather unusual roommate....

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