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If Roald Dahl had wrote a story about a boy wizard, it might well have been a bit like this one. Harry Rotter, not Potter. It's mad, i tell you, mad as can be! Harry Rotter - her real name is Harriet - has lost her Magical Marbles. Harry enlists the help of her cousin, Box Privet, to help her retrieve them.A mad story in the style of Roald Dahl...I think! Harry Potter? No, silly, she's HARRY ROTTER. Harry Rotter - her real name is Harriet but she prefers to be called Harry - has lost her Magical Marbles. Harry enlists the help of her cousin, Box Privet, to help her retrieve them. At her behest, Box, who is a wizard with all things electronic, melding electronics and magic, makes Harry an electro-­magical wand. Pandemonium ensues.