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Imagine a world where IQ means nothing. Where another measure, something called PQ, Potential Quotient, has replaced it, and where a person's worth is determined by this measure instead. For Low Pots like Tricia Clark, a brilliant girl with a high IQ but low PQ, it means being stuck in a prison she can never break free of, or does it?Imagine a world where IQ means nothing. Where another measure, something called PQ, Potential Quotient, has replaced it, and where a person's worth is determined by this measure instead. For Low Pots like Tricia Clark, a brilliant girl with a high IQ but low PQ, it means being stuck in a prison she can never break free of, or does it?Also Included in Space and Waste, Anthology #2 (ISBN 9781476146225) and Anthology #3 (ISBN 9781476122038)

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