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When it comes to being a Dom, he is the Master of surprises.

After the Christmas retreat in their custom-made dungeon at their home, Dom Davis Cathal and his sub, Samantha Merry, decide to take a summer vacation away for a change of scenery. Finding a place that suits their needs and packing the necessary play items for two weeks is a challenge—one they relish in. When a work emergency causes Davis to stay behind an extra day, he instructs Samantha to go alone to set up the place for their play time.

Samantha arrives to find the cottage destination less than ideal. Determined to make the best of it, she goes about the task of preparing for playtime with her Dom. When one too many things go wrong, she is unable to hide her disappointment. Count on Davis to take control and show his sub that with a little discipline, any place is perfect for play and that sometimes disappointments bring about the best surprises.

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