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I've always been a good girl. I grew up in a small town, dated my high school sweetheart all the way through college, and married him. I even waited until our wedding night for my first time. Yeah, that kind of good girl. Finding my husband in bed with the church secretary came as quite a shock, needless to say. Finding out he'd slept with just about every female in town was an even bigger shock.Discovering those dirty little secrets is what sent me on a journey that I will never forget. This erotic romance novella is for adults only! Contains super hot, one-on-one sex between two great characters.ReviewI love the characters and stories that Jasinda creates. Once I start it is like I am addicted and cannot put the book (Kindle) down. I want to beg and plead for more stories. ~Kristin (Amazon Review) It was so good I actually was reading passages aloud to my husband. He was laughing right along with me! *~Ginny (Amazon Review)*

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