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DI Elaine Hope barely survived her last case. Someone is still determined to put an end to her. But could the culprit be one of her London Metropolitan Police colleagues?Detective Inspector Elaine Hope still bears the scars—both physical and emotional—of the devastating assault that nearly ended her life nine months ago. Now, she wants two things: to salvage a law enforcement career in tatters, and to get payback. But who is the ultimate culprit? Is it Anton Srecko, capo of the brutal gangsters who attacked her? Or is it someone within the London Metropolitan Police, who failed to send backup when she most needed help? Put on desk duty while she continues to recover from the attack, Elaine continues her personal investigation in secret. With a growing crime chart on her bedroom wall, a slate of clandestine meetings and suspects to track, and a mounting sense of paranoia, is Elaine becoming a danger to herself and others? Meanwhile, former members...