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Lady Amelia Delaney is known for her sharp tongue, no-nonsense attitude, and a rather sizable fortune. Numerous suitors have tried to win her hand-- for the money, for the challenge, and for a rather unfortunate bet. She knows the unflattering reasons behind her numerous proposals; can she ever accept that a man would want to marry her just for herself?Jameson Pendrake is a devil-may-care dandy who cares for naught but fun and fashion. But behind his laughing green eyes lies a dark history, and he calls off his wedding because of his fear of repeating the past. He can not simply give up on the idea of marriage; a wife is the best defense against the yearly crop of scheming mothers and their frilly daughters. But to allay his fears he needs a woman strong enough to laugh in the face of his past. A woman unflappable, unwavering, and unbroken. He knows just the woman. The trick, it seems, is in getting her to accept.37,000 words ~115 pages