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Mission: Saving ShaynaAn Omega Team and SEAL Team Phantom CrossoverBlurbProfessional violinist Shayna Macintyre has a problem. Her borrowed, multi-million dollar Stradivarius violin has been stolen—and someone is leaving her threatening messages to present herself to them, or else.Mike Royce is used to being backup for the CIA, until him and his partner decided to retire and open their own security business. However, the best plans don’t always follow the rules when love is involved. Now, he’s working for the Omega Team on a special assignment as a babysitter. He’s never had a problem keeping things professional, until he sees Shayna, and now all he can do is think about her, and the very dirty things he wants to do with her. And to her.When the threat to Shayna’s life intensifies, Mike will do anything in his power to keep her safe. Even if it means spending days on end locked up with her.Mike hadn’t planned on what being with Shayna would do to him, but will almost losing her push him past his limits, and beyond?

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