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In the future, humanity's fate lies with the Narcalins, a monstrous genetic creation of mankind. But the Narcalins are rebelling, stopping production of a metal only they can obtain, and doing it in a particularly unusual way. The only man that can fix the problem is Dr. John Lambert. The question is, will he succeed, and if so, at what cost?In the future, humanity's fate lies with the Narcalins, a monstrous genetic creation of mankind. But the Narcalins are rebelling, stopping production of a metal only they can obtain, and doing it in a particularly unusual way. The only man that can fix the problem is Dr. John Lambert. The question is, will he succeed, and if so, at what cost?Also Included in Space and Waste, Anthology #1 (ISBN 9781476008561) and Anthology #3 (ISBN 9781476122038)

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