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Mike, is living a quiet life on his newly built farm, after defeating the evil Herobrine and saving the world from his dark reign. But Mike’s peaceful existence is shaken up when his friends, Jerry and Micah bring him news of a far away mountain that holds an unimaginable treasure.What awaits our three young questers in their new journey? Find out in “The Dragon’s Mountain, Book One(An Unofficial Minecraft Book for Kids Age 9-12)Mike, is living a peaceful life on his newly built farm, after defeating the evil Herobrine and saving the world of Minecraft from falling under his dark reign.But Mike’s peaceful existence is shaken up by two of his friends that up until that moment, he thought he had lost. Jerry, Mike’s best friend and his former enemy, turned ally, Micah, bring Mike news of a far away mountain that holds an unimaginable treasure.It doesn’t take long until Mike is convinced to embark on an adventure alongside his two buddies.What awaits our three young Minecraft questers in their new journey? Find out in “The Dragon’s Mountain, Book One: The Attacked by the Griefers.This unofficial Minecraft book is not authorized, endorsed or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or any other person or entity owning or controlling the rights of the Minecraft name, trademark or copyrights. All characters, names, places and other aspects of the game described herein are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. Minecraft®/ /TM & ©2009-2016 Mojang/Notch.

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