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Smarter is a near future SciFi/Thriller whose young heroine Ell Donsaii we learned in "Quicker" has a nerve mutation that makes her an athletic phenomenon, so fast that no one can keep up with her. Like Stieg Larsson's Lisbeth Salander (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) Ell is also a mathematical genius who, while trying to drift off to sleep, instead of counting sheep has developed a new theory of quantum mechanics. At once shy and concerned about her social skills, yet loved by those around her, she goes to grad school to try to understand experimental physics. In the process she discovers a means for enormously improving communications using quantum entangled molecules. Her brilliant quantum theories make her the target of industrial spies, other countries and jealous physicists all at the same time. Those who attack her don't consider that the very skills they envy and desire make her hard to overcome.