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Adults Only - Graphic Sex, Erotic Romance - Part 2 of a series: Tyler is nervous to see Susie for the first time since their encounter the night before. He relaxes as he spends the afternoon hanging out with her circle of friends to prepare for a group project.

Secretly jealous of her friendships with so many men, Tyler is surprised when he learns of her history with Joan, a girl who's known Susie since high school and claims to be her best friend. She offers to help Tyler by 'coaching' him along to avoid mistakes made by other guys in the past. He takes her up on the offer, only to find himself doubting Joan's intentions.

Susie surprises Tyler by asking him to stay for a second time. He questions his new infatuation with the beautiful student he met the previous day. Is he really in love already, or is he just excited to find a woman who lets him go crazy in bed? His feelings deepen as he gets to know her, leading to disappointment when she refuses to tell him why she must remain unattached.

Throughout the evening, an observant Tyler gathers bits of information about the woman he's quickly fallen in love with, leading to more questions: Where does her money come from? Why is she estranged from her family? Will she ever tell him why she can never have more than a fling?

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