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John Prince is a 264 year old vampire who has been recruited into a specialist team. Their missions range from snatch and grab to assassinations, but they have one thing in common; absolute suicide for humans. One such mission is going well when the unthinkable happens; an alien invasion. Now John must fight through the zombie apocalypse to find his team. Action, comedy and romance ensue.The Mulligan Planet is a first person account of the zombie apocalypse as told by British-born John Prince; a 264 year old stuck at the age of 24 after a run in with a vampire left him as the immoral immortal that he is today. His adventure starts with a slip, trip and a (4 storey) tumble that forces our hero to quickly adapt as in the time frame of a fortnight he is kidnapped by a secret government agency, assigned the task of preventing a world-wide terrorist attack and having this task interrupted by an alien invasion that is converting billions of Earth's population into hordes of the undead, splitting John from his team. Along the way to find the group of wayward vampire agents in the zombified city of Brisbane John meets a new friend, a telepathic sociopath and a host of alien invaders trying to convert Earth into a new vampiric homeworld... again. The first in a three part story of war, love, betrayal, survival and the biggest galactic do-over of all time will see John recount the two weeks before the invasion and the first few weeks into the apocalypse, as well as show the events unfolding upon the scientific star-ship Yuik after the catastrophic failure on, what would come to be known as, the Mulligan Planet.