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Warning: Contains an over-the-hill porn star with a lot of attitude and a biological clock that is ticking out of control, who refuses to admit she might be bisexual. Adult film star, Simone Sinclair makes no apologies for her career or life choices. A strong, dominant female, she knows who she is and what she wants, and what she wants more than air, is a baby. However, providence’s keen sense of humor proves personally fulfillment must be fought for, not given freely, as the safe world she’s spent her life building proves nothing more than smoke and mirrors when by day’s end she both pink slip and eviction notice in hand. Suddenly…Simon Frazier, dearest friend, mentor, and agent is an enemy—but he’s on bended knee offering a ring?Geraldine Martin, best friend, fellow pub crawler, and star of a few wicked fantasies is asking her out—and somehow believing she’d fit into her white picket fence, 1950’s house wife dreams?Simone is ready, really ready, and Dr. Abrams, gynecologist and biological clock extender is onboard to perform an IVF procedure—however, her unhappy uterus isn’t convinced it’s ready for a long term commitment.Would the Fates be so cruel as to make her choose between three dreams—a fulfilling career as her own boss, a child, and being in love for the first time in her life?