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Japan. The last decade of the 17th century. Men who lived by the sword find themselves cut adrift while women begin to confront new threats and opportunities. The austere demands of the haikai poet are no match for the growing popularity of urban performers, and the medieval samurai ethos has been replaced by the culture of the merchant and the shogun's bureaucrats. This colourful but remote world is portrayed in these stories. Basho, Japan's greatest poet, features in several of them. We also meet Ohasu, a young woman trapped in the decadence of the pleasure quarters; Hasegawa, a rogue samurai who seeks solace in wine, in the rigours of Zen Buddhism, and in his willingness to defend an outmoded code. A mysterious woman buried in an imperial nunnery struggles with an unbearable remorse; a senior shogunate official seeks to preserve Basho's poetic legacy; a teenage sociopath tries to carve out his own career with a gratuitous and murderous assault; and a bizarrely preternatural...