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Him:We are born Bratva--We die Bratva!You've met my cousin Glazov, now allow me to introduce myselfMy birth name was, "Mathias Novak" I had changed it when Ileft New York at a young age and relocated to California.You see, "Carl Sims" sounded much more Americanized and itwould keep me from being viewed as a mobster, or a thug.I like to think of myself as a business man with an edge andthe words mobster and thug carry a stigma with them that I do not want to beassociated with.Being of European descent I am very particular.I am a polished man, a very precise man and perfected atanything that I do.Not just any woman has the capability to snag my attention,it takes a certain something if you will and women like Katrina are few and far between.I have no intention of letting Katrina get away from me.Then there is also the issue of the diary, I will be keepingKatrina on a short leash...To say that I am a dangerous man would be an understatement; let's just say that Katrina crossed the wrong man when she stole that diary and if forced marriage is the only way to keep her from testifying against me; well then, So. Be.It.Her:I was doing great. Riding high on the success of my bestseller. Until the Mobster I stole from to write the book; demanded his diary back.Giving that diary back would be admitting I hadstolen it and used it to write my story.It meant admitting my novel which had now become a worldwide, phenomenal best seller; was nothing more than a hoax.This created a grave problem, it meant losing a lot ofmoney and worse than that, it meant my reputation as a writer would be ruined.I had no choice, I would have to try and charm thissnake, somehow, some way; into not ruining all that I had worked for.But forced marriage?!? He couldn't be serious, or could he?