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First Crossing (Hunting Eve Book 1) is a paranormal romance novelette of 12,000 words. Eve Prentice has a growing reputation as someone who has 'healing hands' - someone who has skills beyond the ordinary in her work with accident victims. However, having grown up as the granddaughter of a renowned psychic and seeing how people can react, she is careful to downplay her special gift. Then one sunny Saturday, Eve has a premonition that Something Bad is heading her way. Worse, she has the unshakeable feeling that no matter what she does, she won't be able to outrun it. Why is it that she can foresee the future for others and tell them how to cheat fate - but she can't do it for herself? Within hours, Eve finds herself face to face with Hunter, a stranger who is somehow familiar at a soul-deep level. She knows instinctively that this man is a warrior, and that the danger is real... and that her life is about to change forever. [Excerpt]The voice was deep and resonant, and hinted of deep, secret places in the world and limitless skies. It slid into her mind like honey, yet she was bone-chillingly afraid of what it might bring into her life. It didn't sound like the voice of a stranger. On some soul-deep level she knew this man.Warrior. His massive body was clad in deceptively simple dark clothing; a short-sleeved black tee-shirt that strained over his slab of a chest, and black cargo pants. She knew those clothes concealed weapons; she sensed steel in three different places on his body. Blades... and other weapons she didn't have a name for. He stared right back at her, his gaze skimming her body and then meeting her eyes with an unblinking stare. Black eyebrows arched over moss-green eyes in a face that looked like it had been sculpted with the blade of an ax. His dark hair was carelessly tied back with a leather thong. Scary.[End of Excerpt]Eve and Hunter immediately leave Mortal Earth and travel through a portal to the Otherworld, with their pursuers not far behind. Those who are hunting Eve are determined that she shall not reach safety: the fate of whole worlds depends on them finding her - and executing her.

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