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In the wake of a tragic accident, a young college student haunted by guilt moves to New York City to shake the past and discover his destiny. After three years at Temple University, Dan Egan was still trying to find out who he was. Frustratingly unmoored, he moved from engineering to fine arts and finally to humanities, plowed under each time. He was the one in the back row, sleeping behind dark glasses—the "ivy beleaguered" dilettante soon to be adrift in the very real world of working men. Now, following his expulsion after a tragic dorm fire, Dan has finally been defined. He's the guy who failed to save his roommate—all-American football hero, Time magazine's golden cover boy, and Dan's best friend since childhood. Maybe Dan will take the midnight train to Philadelphia and weather the worst of the family storm. Maybe not. Wherever Dan's headed, he'll be carrying his buddy's ghost. Then he meets the Barbara Jean Avery, the dumb,...