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From the back coverAt a desolate monastery off the coast of Wales, the pilgrims vanish one by one...This mesmerizing tale is woven around two characters: Vane, an emissary sent by the bishop to investigate the disappearance of a number of pilgrims on their way to the island's miraculous well; and the abbot, who dissects cadavers in his determined search for the physical location of the human soul.But the mystery at the heart of this haunting novel has to do with much more than these two quests: as Vane searches obsessively for the pilgrims, he sees that that boundaries between body and soul, and between life and death, blur and mingle. Filled with everyday happenings and miraculous evens, Flying to Nowhere, like The Name of the Rose, is at once a provocative allegory and a vastly entertaining murder mystery.REVIEWS"Rich in metaphor, visual detail, and poetic eloquence."—Baltimore Sun"As rich and exciting as The Name of the Rose, but deeper and more disturbing... A miracle of compression, each of its brief chapters displaying the density and precision of a Dürer woodcut"—The New York Time Book Review"A spectacular invention"—Los Angeles Times Book Review

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