Hammerhead Resurrection
by Jason Andrew Bond
“An advanced extraterrestrial race must, as humans have, evolve into a peaceful society.”-From Senate Majority Leader Sebastian Flynn’s commencement speech at MIT
“Fifty years later we’re still debating this? An obsolete military desperate to justify itself fabricated that war.”-President John Moore two weeks before the destruction of Europa Base
“Those veterans suffer only from memory implants. They’re a senseless burden.”-Excerpt from Vice President Samantha Creswell’s California campaign debate
“Please forgive us for what we’ve allowed to happen.”-Note found in the rubble of the Oval Office
“We won’t make the same mistake they did… They left some of us alive.”-Fleet Admiral Jeffrey Holt
To found out how the Hammerhead series is helping veterans today go to www.JasonAndrewBond.com.
“Fifty years later we’re still debating this? An obsolete military desperate to justify itself fabricated that war.”-President John Moore two weeks before the destruction of Europa Base
“Those veterans suffer only from memory implants. They’re a senseless burden.”-Excerpt from Vice President Samantha Creswell’s California campaign debate
“Please forgive us for what we’ve allowed to happen.”-Note found in the rubble of the Oval Office
“We won’t make the same mistake they did… They left some of us alive.”-Fleet Admiral Jeffrey Holt
To found out how the Hammerhead series is helping veterans today go to www.JasonAndrewBond.com.