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From the Author's Note:A LOT of my fiction deals with sexual matters, usually of a grim and distasteful sort, but this and another story, titled “Layover,” represent my sole foray into humorous erotica. The opportunity came about through a small press publisher which was kicking off an erotica series designed for married or otherwise committed/monogamous couples. This seemed like a good and fun idea to me, and I enjoyed writing them. So in many ways, this story and the other one represent some of my most light-hearted fiction.“Candy in the Sack” also represents the most optimistic treatment of a particular obsession of mine, which appears elsewhere to rather darker effect in my stories “Straight Shot” and “Riding Bitch.” Of course, the degradation Hallowe’en, from deep-rooted and marginally illicit folk holiday to tacky commercial marketing opportunity, is a subject covered masterfully by Ray Bradbury, a writer much admired by myself and others. So if readers were to be so kind as to consider this and my other Hallowe’en stories as at least a partial tribute to him, I don’t think they would be far off the mark.

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