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Practical Widow To Passionate MistressDesperate to reunite with her sisters, Meg finds passage home with injured soldier, Major Ross Brandon. When the troubled soldier with dark, searching eyes offers her a job as housekeeper, she can't refuse. Soon Meg is scandalously tempted to move from servants quarters to the master's bedroom!Vicar's Daughter To Viscount's LadySeduced, abandoned and pregnant, Arabella Shelley is horrified to discover her baby's father has died. Then further shocked when his brother, the handsome Viscount Hadleigh, insists she must marry him instead!As Bella struggles with her new life, and her scandalous desire for her stranger-husband, will she find a love that matches the passion of their marriage bed? Innocent Courtesan To Adventurer's BrideWrongly accused of theft, Celina Shelley is cast out of the brothel she calls home. She runs to Lord Quinn Dreycott for safety, but Quinn's twinkling eyes tell Celina that the danger is just...