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Luke has a choice to make. With every day that passes, he’s becoming more human. He cares more and more about the people around him. But he can’t shake the belief that Az and Seph have got it right.

The plan is simple. Kill the Father, rule the Flights, rule everything. So why is he hesitating?

Maybe it’s because of Bayleigh. There’s something about her he can’t ignore, not even when he thinks about Sara.
Maybe it’s because of Jackson who, despite being utterly bonkers, is sticking to his misguided beliefs in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Maybe it’s because of Krystal. Luke would never use the word daughter, not unless he was sneering at the time, but he can’t deny his pride in her.
Maybe it’s because of Alex. The scientist can’t shake his guilt over creating the plague, but he’s still trying to make a difference.
Or maybe it’s because of Dave. Because there’s nothing like complete insanity staring you in the face to make you think twice about killing your own father.

As Luke and Krystal cross London in search of food, the others are dealing with a murder in the hospital. Jackson, meanwhile, has his own agenda. Except it’s not his agenda. It’s God’s agenda.