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Once upon a time, someone in your family knew why all the strange occurrences and coincidences are so prevalent.  Some stories are still whispered from Grandmother to Granddaughter.  Tales of how a Great-Aunt could find children lost in the woods at the edge of town.  Rumors of an ancestor who could heal others with a touch of their hands. Suspicions as to why there are only daughters born to the family line, and that sisters are always born seven years apart to the day.  But someone in some far away time didn't have to guess why these things happen in the Swavely family.  They were there - in the beginning - when the Girl fled from her People, when the Swavelys rambled across an ocean, and when their paths collided in the woods on the Hill.  Their meeting taught the Girl what it is to love, and their union changed the course of the Swavely women for generations.