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An hour later, I was sitting in a flatbed truck in front of the first site."Go big or go home," I said out loud to myself, grinning as I climbed down and stared up at a four-storey mass of scaffolding.The megaminds had failed to give me any details on how to deal with any of it, but I felt confident. I knew it could be disassembled and reassembled, which seemed like the kind of thing I could do readily enough. A quick look at the joints showed it to be more complicated than I'd imagined, and even after a spell to sharpen my night vision it was looking unlikely I'd get anywhere within the time allotted. I climbed it up and down, as much to keep busy while I thought as anything, and what I realized was that it was much lighter than it looked. Even better, it had wheels.In a move that no doubt made a workplace safety inspector somewhere wake up in a cold sweat, I used life magic to coerce a mass of vines helpfully offered up by the building next door to drag it

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