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Sam Carver faces his most deadly challenge yet . . . The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 sent shockwaves around the world. Never before had such alarge and prestigious bank been allowed to fail, and to fail so quickly. It began a domino effect, creating an international financial crisis that has affected us all. Theories abound as to the cause of the collapse -- the sub-prime bubble, bad management, even good old-fashioned greed.But what if it was none of the above? What if Lehman Brothers was deliberately destroyed by a warped financial genius bent on a course of financial terrorism? What if that was only a dry run for an even bigger, bolder assault on the financial capital of the world: the City of London? With the markets in meltdown and the life of the woman he loves at stake, Sam Carver has just five days to prevent an attack that could bring the global economy to its knees.