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Blue Seal is the second book in this exciting new series. Young readers will greet with excitement the return of Bobby, David and the professor. The two heroes are thrown into the world of time travel once again, but what do they find? Their Garden of Eden island appears to be in chaos and their beloved Crone near death. The wicked Workhouse Oracle and her orbs need to be stopped in their tracks. Bobby's crystal ball is wanted desperately. What is the Blue Seal and where can they find it? Maybe Henry and Ina's secrets will be revealed—what do the children hear when they eavesdrop on their conversation? What does their time travel reveal about the island natives? The illuminating but horrifying tale that Madden relates to the children exposes truths they had never known before. Bobby and David's relationship becomes closer as they experience many challenging encounters, and they find themselves bonding in a way they would never have guessed at when they first met....