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From Publishers WeeklyExcellent world building, original concepts, and a compellingly dark atmosphere mark this slightly uneven series debut. Nevermore, Tex., is a very magical small town. House of Dragons wizard Gray Calhoun is Nevermore's powerful Guardian, a vital role he's neglected since his traitorous wife sacrificed him to a demon. When his former sister-in-law, equally powerful but destitute and curse-laden House of Ravens witch Lucinda Rackmore, shows up and begs for his help, hell is unleashed in grand fashion. Gray and Lucinda's sexual tension simmers along nicely for several chapters before boiling over. The story's beginning and middle are well written, well paced, and breathtakingly sinister. The wrapup, however, seems short and forced, despite some interesting developments. The extremely dark tone may surprise fans of Bardsley's more lighthearted works (Cross Your Heart, etc.) and will certainly attract new readers. (Mar.) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved. Product DescriptionWelcome to Nevermore, Texas, population 503, where witches and wizards live side by side with humans, and where witch Lucy Rackmore is in trouble. Ever since her former lover snuffed out her magical abilities, everyone in town is looking to settle a score with her family. And Lucy's only hope for survival may be her ex-brother-in-law-whom her sister betrayed and nearly killed.