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An unusual boy gets a second chance in a very peculiar Texas school in this comical parody Bailey Mushrush is on his way home from work when he sees the homeless boy sitting outside his house. The boy is bigger than Bailey, with a ghastly scar down his forehead and a cigarette clenched between his lips. His name is Harvey Porter, and he has come to stay. Harvey is a transient who has spent most of his life living on the street, making money playing music for anyone who will listen. When his mentor died, he came looking for his distant relatives the Mushrushes, and he is about to turn their world upside down. Violent, crude, and impossible to reason with, Harvey gets expelled from school after a week and is sent to learn at a strange new institution housed in the old Texas School Book Depository—where Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot that killed John F. Kennedy. Here Harvey will discover a connection to an infamous conspiracy—and learn what...