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Marry in Haste is the story of two lives over a hundred years apart, both illustrating the resilience of women in the small town of Endurance. Retired teacher Grace Kimball is writing for the Endurance Register and dating its editor, Jeff Maitlin. When he buys a huge Victorian house and borrows money fromthe bank, he sets off a chain of events that puts Grace in danger. Conrad Folger, the bank president, is murdered, and his wife, Emily, becomes the prime suspect. While TJ Sweeney, Grace's friend and Endurance police detective, investigates, Grace also sets out to prove her former student innocent. If Grace is right and Emily Folger is innocent, who else had a motive to kill the bank president? TJ Sweeney investigates a list of possible suspects: spurned lovers, unhappy bank clients, and even family members. Grace and Jeff also find a diary from 1893 in the old house. Written by a naïve 17-year-old who comes to Endurance from a small farm, it tells Olivia...