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*Please note: This novella is roughly 30k words in
length, and is more fantasy than a historical. It is set in Scotland in
the Middle Ages, and holds some historical facts in it,  but also has
references that are not for that time period. If you decide to read it
please go into it with an open mind.****
Bronson Lyon, Scottish leader and warlord of  Clan
Lyon, has seen enough death to last a lifetime. He has battle scars that
would have killed a lesser man. After fighting for years to reclaim his
territory, he is ready to settle down and create a family. But Bronson
does not court or woo women. He takes what he wants, when he wants it,
and makes no apologies for the carnage left behind in his wake.When
a buxom and untouched redhead is brought to him as a potential bride,
he instantly wants to claim her. Genevieve's body was meant to bear him
strong, fearsome sons, and he will show her what it means to be owned by
a warlord.But there is still an enemy that wants to hurt what
Bronson holds most dear, and that is Genevieve, and the future Lyon clan
leader she carries.              

Pages of The Warlord Claims His Bride :

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