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Brianna Karp started working at age ten, supporting her mother and sister through her teen years. Though her life was scarred by abuse, Karp focused on her dream of a steady job and home of her own. By twenty-two her dream became reality. Karp loved her job as an executive assistant and leased a cottage.Then the Great Recession hit. In the six months between the day she was laid off and the day she was forced onto the street, Karp scrambled for temp work and filed hundreds of job applications, only to find all doors closed. When she inherited a trailer after her father's suicide, Karp parked it in a Walmart lot and blogged about her search for work and a way back.Karp began her journey as a homeless person terrified and ashamed. Fear turned to awe as she connected with others whose stories inspired her to become an activist for the homeless.Compassionate and darkly funny, this unforgettable memoir celebrates the courage and creativity of lives society would stigmatize.