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Special Agent Sage Wright is a respected, ten-year veteran with the Phoenix division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Her beloved twin brother, Silas, however, has traveled a darker life path riddled with drug distribution and crime. Despite her role in law enforcement, Sage is at her brother’s aid at every possible turn.

When Silas crosses the border to grow his business, a 2.5 million dollar drug deal goes bad. Silas is taken captive by the Southwest’s most savage cartel and Sage is forced into action. To save her brother’s life and stop the torture he is enduring, Sage must do the unthinkable and become good at it.

With the help of childhood friend, Jitter, and her eighteen-year-old son, TJ, she is propelled into a world that conflicts with who she is and what she stands for. Lines between right and wrong are blurred as the clock winds down for Silas. Has Sage forgotten on which side of the law she belongs?

Alliances will be tested, lives will be lost and maybe, just maybe, justice doesn’t always prevail…

Pages of Coyote: Sometimes the wrong way is the only way :

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