The Killing of Anna Karenina
by Richard Freeborn
Richard Freeborn's 2014 release breaks a century and half of mystery to shed light on what really may have happened to Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Thought to have committed suicide by throwing herself under a train, Freeborn's unstoppable imagination opens a new chapter surrounding the heroine's death – brought to vivid life through his latest release. Anna Karenina, the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's masterpiece and the finest female portrayal in Russian fiction, became a social pariah through adultery. In suicidal despair, she threw herself under a train. This was her alleged death. The truth is much more comlex. When Prince Dmitry Rostove suffers and accident on a cycling holiday beside Wordsworth's 'sylvan Wye', he encounters a ghostly white figure, a strange black boat, a blood=red rose cast on the water, a train whistle and a gunshot. All of which makes him witness to a 'gap in nature' that leads to a unique quest for the truth about a veiled, reclusive lady. Clever...