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Rogues' Wedding is a masterful and wildy inventive novel from acclaimed author Terry Griggs. Set in 1898, it takes us on a comic romp across Victorian Ontario, through a landscape full of extraordinary characters and natural wonders, as we follow two newlyweds whose fates are more entwined than they'd like to believe.As Griffith Smolders prepares to join his new wife in the bedroom of their bridal suite, he takes an inordinate amount of care in disrobing. What slows him down is not a meticulous nature, but rather fear and self-doubt -- and a suspicion that Avice's sexual knowledge far exceeds his own. While pacing the room and fretting about what awaits him, Grif is startled by a mysterious, glowing ball of light that floats in through the window. He wonders if it might be the work of some prankster, intent on disrupting the night's activities, but when the ball begins to chase him around the room and singe his heels, he knows it must be an omen: a sign...