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With freshly shaven head, black-garbed, tongue-studded, seventeen-year-old Taylor is standing by her high school locker in the Y2K years. Next minute, she finds herself in a slit trench in Italy next to her much younger grandfather. A glance around her makes it clear; she is in the middle of World War II!Confusion over how she got here is the least of her problems. Handed an Enfield rifle, she must join the Canadian army and fight the enemy. Feeling like an outcast, Taylor must forge relationships with her grandfather and the soldiers in her platoon to survive. Her grouchy grandfather/sergeant will be a challenge.Armed with some historical facts and her grandfather's vaguely remembered war stories, Taylor must convince her grandfather she is not a psychic or a mentally unbalanced soldier, but truly his granddaughter, who has arrived somehow from the future. And how will she get back to her own time?