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A compulsively readable story which has achieved classic status. Three very different girls from the same country town share an inner-city house during their first year out of school.Sometimes your life changes and you don't know why. A kind of shift happens. I remember thinking, well, that's over: eighteen years, three months and fifteen days. From now on it will be different...'Carmel, Jude and Katerina come from the same country town, but they couldn't be more different. Carmel is a talented musician, but awkward and painfully shy. Jude is a passionate idealist still coming to terms with the death of her revolutionary father. And Katerina, well, let's just say she's not called Queen Kat for nothing. So when they all move into the same inner-city house in their first university year, sparks are ready to fly.But this year is a time to re-invent themselves, a time to square up to the world. Time to get a life.Queen Kat, Carmel and St Jude Get a Life is about...