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The waifish Lisle has been a sex slave, serving the reclusive Baron Brauer at his estate located in a remote woods outside Washington DC. When she's not collared, caged and used by her master and his friends, she roams the vast estate like a feral child. When Brauer dies after an extended illness, his heirs hire the Baron's friend Marcus Rathburn to purge the estate all traces of Brauer's perverted lifestyle. Slaves scatter, dungeons are dismantled, and the contents sold at auction, which leaves the elusive Lisle the sole remnant from Brauer's kinky life. After several unsuccessful attempts to remove the wild girl from the property, Marcus enlists the help of his friend Daniel Broc, a former mercenary who once ran a slave trading operation in the Middle East. He gave up that life two years before and now lives in Georgetown while working for the Pentagon. Though dominating women still comes naturally to the rugged sadist, he no long wants anything to do with owning slaves. At...