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Before she died, Elizabeth Taylor claimed that previous biographers had revealed "only half of my story, but I can't tell the other half because I'd get sued." In response to that challenge, Blood Moon presents history’s most comprehensive compilation of the unpublished—until now—secrets of Dame Elizabeth. With photos, this meaty and startling book offers a juicy feast of till-now untold tales about the 20th century’s most deadlinegenerating actress, relayed with empathy and brutal candor.
### About the Author
New York City resident Darwin Porter has archived information about Dame Elizabeth since he first interviewed her in Miami for his college newspaper. Since then, after a lifetime of analyzing and cross-referencing her every move, he's become a world-class expert in her behind-the-scenes dramas and showbiz ironies. Danforth Prince, formerly associated with The Frommer Guides and The New York Times, is co-author of this guide to the serial embarrassments of the world's most fabulous and sophisticated Dame.