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Many of the most memorable books have had as their warm, romantic theme, the magic of London, focusing on the elegant world of Bond Street and the private lives of the assistants, buyers, models, managers and directors of a great, exclusive London store. Among a host of fascinating characters you will meet Irene, the beautiful young daughter of Mr. Privett, Rammell's oldest shop-walker; Mr.Bloot, who makes a disastrous second marriage; Marcia, a leading and much married model, and Eric Rammell, the harassed Managing Director who seeks to escape the social life his wife so unremittingly organizes for him. Each of their homely, credible stories of worries of work, romance and petty jealousies is skilfully intertwined in this irresistible tale. And then there is the story of the shop itself- the summer sales; the Staff dance; the friction in the hostel; the promotions and the sackings; the publicity drive that misfires, and the sudden, top-level changes.