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If she can't get justice, she'll settle for revenge . . . 1. Activism 2. Computers 3. Bombs When her grandmother and cousin are 'accidentally' killed in a drone strike in Yemen, Samiya wants answers. She writes emails, pesters her MP, starts a petition . . . but no one will help. A less brilliant, less resourceful or less determined girl might have given up. But Samiya won't let their lives mean nothing. Disillusioned with her friends, her parents and life in general, she vents her anger in chatrooms, where she makes online allies who willingly loan her their skills. Her alias, Angel, is born, as is a completely audacious plan which no one will be able to ignore... ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tracy Alexander was born in Montreal, Canada, grew up in Buckingham, studied in Leeds and settled in Bristol. She has written several books for children, namely the TRIBE series with TRIBE: THE DAY THE EAR FELL OFF winning the Hull Children's Book Award 2010 and being...